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Trusted legal advice to handle every stage of practice ownership.

Cassandra’s situation

Cassandra’s practice partner has just told her he plans to sell his share in the practice. Cassandra sees this as a great opportunity to buy him out and grow the practice. She has used lawyers in the past but is looking for someone who understands her business.

How Avant Law can assist

Our experienced lawyers have a deep understanding of the medical profession and experience in navigating all aspects of buying and selling a practice. We can advise on each stage including negotiating leases, transferring ownership, and associated issues such as employment and records management.

Legal support – step by step

Step 1

Get in touch

Cassandra contacts Avant Law to arrange a phone or video call at a time that suits her timeframe.

Step 2

Initial discussion

Cassandra decides a video call is best for her. Our lawyers will ask her about her situation and what she and her business partner need from the transaction. We will ask about the current structure of her practice.

We will promptly provide Cassandra with an estimate of costs and timeline.

Step 3

Structuring and negotiation

Cassandra decides to proceed. We will advise Cassandra on the best way to acquire her practice partner’s interest. We will also facilitate negotiations between Cassandra and her practice partner.

Step 4

Signing and closing

We will help Cassandra and her practice partner to come to an agreement for the sale. We can settle the contract and related documents.

Disclaimer: This resource contains information on some of the considerations when acquiring an interest in a medical practice. It should not be used as a substitute for legal advice. The information contained in this case study is fictional and only intended to outline some of the services that Avant Law offers. MJN928 06/22 (DT-2562)

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